Sunday, March 6, 2016

Whole 30....the results

My Day 30 was Tuesday. On Monday my house was invaded by nasty germs that pretty much kicked everybody's ass. But The Stewart's are on the mend so it's time to update on my Whole 30 results. 

My skin!! Um hello, gorgeous!! It glows. Like I'm pregnant only I'm not. The redness on my cheeks has lessened and it looks smoother and clearer. Also, the hubs says that my back feels like silk. (I'm blushing)

Breastmilk. My little chunks loves his milk and I love to nurse. But I also am a working mama so that means I have to pump when I'm at work. Pumping keeps my supply up while I'm away from Scot and also means that I don't need to rely on formula to feed him. (This is not a dig at mama's whole use formula, I believe every family is different and you have to do what works best for you and your family!) I had noticed a decrease in my milk supply when I was pumping and even though a jump from 12oz to a consistent 15oz might not seem like a lot to some my pumping mamas know what a boost those 3oz's really are. 

Energy. Like wow. I actually have some now. Whole foods vs. processed foods make a HUGE difference in my energy levels. I noticed I was a lot less sedentary and was bothered by it. Fat girls don't always enjoy the get up and go, fit girls in the making love it. 

Mood. I'm not super vocal about this but after Scot was born I suffered pretty badly with postpartum anxiety. There were days where I wasn't sure I would ever be able to leave the house again. Little things would trigger complete freak outs. It was scary. I had issues with ppd after Briton was born but this was completely different. I talked to my husband and my doctor and things did get better. Being on Whole 30 brought my normal daily aniexty level from about a 6 to a 3. It spikes sometimes, I still have triggers but woah, what a difference!

Oh, maybe the most noticeable result to the outside world:

Can I please get a HELL YEAH!!! My clothes all fit different. I feel more comfortable in my skin. It's amazing. 

Maybe it's just me but I'm pretty sure there is only one chin in that after photo. 

I did not take this journey alone. I don't think I could have done it alone, there was a group of us at work who did it together. Having that support made getting thru those early days a lot easier but also gave me people that I was accountable to. I also did this with my mom, HUGE shoutout to Mama Betsy!! She lost 20lbs!!! Also, my Whole 30 guru, Kiki V, I would have been lost many a times without your guidance. I kinda feel like I just gave an acceptance speech. 

So what's next? I start the 21 Day Fix tomorrow and I'm trying out Shakeology. I'm in an accountability group and I'm working with a coach. I'm excited that I'm really enjoying a healthier lifestyle. I didn't know it was possible. Well I knew it was possible but just not for me. What a difference 30 days make...


  1. I'm so proud of you!!!! You rock!

  2. I see a big change in your mood, energy and love the positive impact the change in your diet has made 18 pounds is great! Good job my love
